Your written article

If your submission to "Call for Papers" has been accepted, the following guidelines apply for the design of your written article for the conference proceedings.

The information applies equally to both presentations and posters.


This written article includes 2 documents:



Main article & abstract layout 

For the printing of the conference proceedings it is absolutely essential to observe the required guidelines.
The guidelines are summarized in the document "Notes on creation your written contribution".
Please be sure (!) to use our templates to create your main article and abstract.

The number of pages for the main article is limited to 4 or 6 (for keynote or plenary lectures 8) pages maximum and for the English abstract to one page (for a uniform design of the proceedings it is necessary to submit main articles with an even page number).

Submitted main articles or abstracts that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted!

Enclosed are the three documents for preparing your written contribution:

Main ArticleAbstract ENote On Contribution Structure


Your print-ready paper for Recy & DepoTech 2024 must be submitted by June 30, 2024 at the latest.

Please upload via OwnCloud - here is the LINK.
With the upload you confirm that any charts, illustrations and images used in the written contribution do not infringe any copyright laws and that the organizer is allowed to print and use them without restrictions.



For information on the layout of the main article or abstract, please contact the editor of the proceedings, Ms. Tanja Trieb.


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